The Dam at Hiramatsu – redraft complete

I like Stephen King’s book On Writing very much and re-read quite frequently. From it I have forged my own book development plan, and it goes something like this:

– Finish the first draft come hell or high-water. No spending years messing around trying to get two opening chapters juuuuuust right. Write it. Now.

– Stick it in a drawer and forget about it for a month or so. Do something else (with my job, not hard)

– Re-draft, with primary responsibility of the writer being ‘get rid of the boring bits.’

I finished the first draft of The Dam at Hiramatsu at the end of January. As I write on computer, the sticking in a drawer for a month is metaphorical rather than literal. I finally got back to it in March after some work craziness and have redrafted a couple of times.

Now I need to create the EPUB version and the cover. Oh, only that….



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